The Combat Medic has healing for themselves and others as well as provides useful combat buffs
--Bot that follows you around and heals you and nearby friendly units (40 second cooldown)
--0 spent
--Reduces cooldown duration of self-revive each time your Healing Bot heals a friendly unit
--1 spent
--Reviving another player grants you both a buff that decreases incoming damage for 10 seconds
--When you kill an enemy, give yourself and nearby friendly units increased reload speed for 5 seconds (30 second cooldown)
--Stationary spike that decreases incoming damage to all nearby players for 15 seconds (50 second cooldown)
--6 spent
--Increases damage done by yourself and all friendly units (10 second duration)"
--Higher accuracy with light-machine guns
--7 spent
--Pistols do more critical damage
--On healing a player, your healing bot also replenishes ammo reserves
--On a kill, move speed is increased for you and nearby friendly units for 5 seconds (20 second cooldown)
--12 spent
--When you revive a group member, other group members are also revived
--On healing a player, your bot gives them a buff that increases their fire rate for 5 seconds
--Stationary spike that allows players to revive themselves as long as they are close to it (180 second cooldown)
--17 spent
--Reduces activated ability cooldowns for you and nearby friendly players. This effect can not be triggered on any target more than once every 80 seconds. (120 second cooldown)
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