The Demolitionist class is loaded with explosives filled with more explosives. Spawn hatchlings, throw grenades, and have a blast dealing damage
--Deploys a charge that sticks to walls. Can be detonated by pressing the ability button a second time.
--0 spent
--Increase inner and outer radius of explosions
--1 spent
--Reduced damage from self explosions
--On kill with explosive weapon, gain a buff that increases your reload speed for 5 seconds (Cooldown: 30s)
--Grenade that stuns enemies (blinds in pvp) (Cooldown: 30s)
--6 spent
--Grenade that spawns hatchlings that attack nearby enemies (Cooldown: 30s)
--Increases Rocket Launcher reload speed
--7 spent
--Increases fire rate on detonators
--Increases damage done by primary grenades
--On hit, slow enemies for 3 seconds (Cooldown: 20s)
--12 spent
--Performing a roll drops a grenade at your feet
--Increases damage done by explosives to a single target
--For 10 seconds, all explosions spawn additional grenades that rain down dealing additional damage (Cooldown: 60s)
--17 spent
--Instantly refreshes your grenade and reduces primary grenade cooldown by 90% (Cooldown: 40s)
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