Bryan Gates PC-NA
I know this question is only partly on-topic, as this page is about classes and not synergies, but it's related *enough*! xP Anyway, I was just wondering if we Engineers will ever get our own synergy? In a way it's nice not needing to spend any crystals in class synergies if your spec is different from the class synergy, but it would still be cool to have our own synergy. Most class synergies really add great supplements to their respective classes.
For instance, take Guardian and Backlash. Before synergies came out, I had a helluva time trying to tank using Guardian, and in fact from what I've heard from others and in my experiences, tanking was almost non-existent in any normal sense of the term. But with the Backlash synergy and even some others, tanking becomes *very* doable and I can currently tank motherlode at the 99er Problems event arkfalls lol!
6 years ago