A Children's Story

A Children's Story is of type Data Recorder. It is required for the pursuit Volge Vindication. It is found at Kenn Farm, Madera.

Personal Recorder of the Kenn Family

...scrape, tap, scrape, tap. So she creeps up the stairs... slowly... one step at a time. Creek, creek. She tip toes down the hallway and approaches her bedroom door. There it is again. Scrape, tap, scrape, tap.

She swings open her bed room door... nobody there.

Now it's behind her. Scrape, tap, scrape, tap. It sounds like it's coming from her bathroom. She opens the door and slowly walks towards the shower curtain.

She grabs the shower curtain... and yanks it open... nobody there.

There it is again. Scrape, tap, scrape, tap. It's definitely coming from downstairs.

This time... she runs down the stairs... thump... thump... thump. She gets to the front door and whips it open! Standing at the front door is... the biggest meanest of all The Volge!

The Viscera! He blasts his cold fire cannon right into her stomach and her guts spill out all over the place.

Very inappropriate for children.


It is found at Kenn Farm, Madera.

Kenn Farm first house on the right as if you are coming from Happy Pow Farms. It on the front of the house on a seat.

World Map





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8 years ago

Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin

Thank you Insanely, had real problems finding that one.

11 years ago

Insanely PC-NA

A Children's Story Data Recorder is at Kenn Farm 1st house on right as if your coming from Happy Pow Farms..

A Children's Story Data Recorder Location

11 years ago