Defiance 2050 - Ark Alliance Terranaut Giveaway Giveaways


Thanks to Trion we are giving away 20x Ark Alliance Terranaut and Ark Alliance Terranaut sets. Enter this giveaway for a chance to receive one after the draw.

Codes will be distributed through Defiance Data Mail and will expire August 31, 2018.


Giveaway Finished

The giveaway has finished and 20 rewards have been distributed.


Reward: 20 Ark Alliance Terranaut Outfit and Headgear.


Signups: 713



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Matthew sprinkle PS3-NA

Try get outfit on ps4 I Got it on ps3 

7 years ago


wait did  it not sign me up? i want to confim is there a way to confirm it accepted my entry last week?


7 years ago


Yay my first giveaway 

Big thank ddata

7 years ago


Is the activity still in progress?

7 years ago


Goodluck to ALL!


7 years ago


gl to all who entered, would be nice to get this stunning outfit

7 years ago

Winter Rose

Would be neat to win this thingy but if I don’t... ehh.

7 years ago


Meh gl everyone?

7 years ago

carpexnoctem PC-NA

I cannot redeem the Stratotech outfit because it says the code is invalid, so maybe I can win this

7 years ago

Doc Morbid

I'm on PS4, but I didn't see that as an option to pick when I entered the draw. So, how will I get this outfit ? (assuming I win one, of course)

7 years ago

xXDEATHXx 7 years ago

It does have an option for ps4 lol


Not getting any keycodes from arkfalls. Also not seeing any lockbox vendors at any fast travel point in 2050. Also it sucks that even though it said my challengers would transfer, mine have not... but its whatever at this point.

7 years ago

Etaew PC-EU 7 years ago

Gain Ark Keys by completing missions, or contracts at level 50. Use them at the end of Arkfalls on the new crate that appears to collect your reward.


Not getting the ark crates for volge gear from major ark fall... weapon attachments don't effect overall firepower... no weapon magazines actually give u extra ammo but give u recoil instead?

7 years ago

Killerbkilled 7 years ago

Also I don't understand why I haven't heard of a orange weapon that's not a proto I want to be able to put my own attachment on my orange... also when u get loot at the end of an ark fall why does it show up bottom left corner barely noticeable on 360 the items u receive showed up big in middle top screen... also was wondering when I re crafted my proto ar e rep it re crafted way lower than my gear score which cost 50 core and was not worth it... other than that and maybe a few other things I love this game I was lvl 5k something on 360 and will max level this one please bring back trade and all the orange gear and weapons I don't just want to grind for purples that will be useless once I can get all types of orange for every gun 

Nukoo Galen

Glad the game is back hope they intend on making more of the game the hole idea behind the TV show game and music was awesome it should have never left not sure why it did 

7 years ago


Hope i when. But on another note, is the servers down? i cant login on ps4:(

7 years ago

Cookie 7 years ago

Now it working 

Grant Olsen

I played the original game on XBOX360 and loved it! I now play on the PS4 and it is still the best so glad you brought it back!!!

7 years ago


Fjüüüür !

7 years ago


Hope i win i never win these things :(

7 years ago


Getting back into this game. Loved the show and the game promotions. Didnt have the best PC back then so this was like the only game I played. (Apart from a bit of TF2 every once in a while). Nice to see they rebooted it, heard a lot of people say there were no major changes, which did upset me a bit, but its nice to see they improved the visual quality and made it more, well, modern. I love the skill tree changes as well, makes me feel like I am working towards something a bit newer. The feeling of playing the game fresh truly does take me back to late 2013

7 years ago


Welp i hope i choose the right server because i dont know how in what server i am :P


7 years ago

Fanoman 7 years ago

Jesus... i meant i dont know how to or where to see that.. im very sleepy :s


I actually owned that outfit on ps3 defiance 

7 years ago


Outfit looks cool 

7 years ago


Many thanks For these Gifts :) please Add me

7 years ago


Thats cool you guys are giving away gifts, add me when you get a chance!

7 years ago


no Xobx 1 Server?


7 years ago

Etaew PC-EU 7 years ago

That was an oversight, the server selection wouldn't matter too much for this giveaway but I have added it.

Daurius Greywind

free stuff? i like free stuff....

7 years ago


Thank's for giveaway ^_^

7 years ago


Why never a female pic? :( 

7 years ago

Etaew PC-EU 7 years ago

My character isn't female, but it's something I can look at tracking down.

Etaew PC-EU 7 years ago

Update, looks like we have a full set of pics, including one for every race and gender combination if you follow the link to the item ;)


Thats that.

7 years ago

Matthew sprinkle PS3-NA 7 years ago

Try get that 

Acid_Rage PS3-NA

I'm a cactus.. this will protect my needles

7 years ago


I'm old....I need stuff

7 years ago


Thank you Devs for an awesome game. Holding my thumbs for one of these codes, hope i'm lucky enough;)

7 years ago