Quick Menu

June 6, 2014 | Etaew | Viewed 14,083 times | Game Mechanics,

The Quick Menu can be accessed in-game by pressing Ctrl. Once in, there are nested options that are context sensitive. Simply click on an option to open up the next level of the tree and make your selection.

  • Pending Invitations - group invites, clan invites, friend invites, map invites
  • Matchmaking - join Competitive Multiplayer, Co-operative Multiplayer and Shadow Wars
  • Find Player - inspect, add to friend, add to group, invite to clan.
  • Defiance Store - a link to the Defiance Store
  • Area - a list of ark hunters in the area, with associated quick commands


The Quick Menu can be accessed in-game by pressing Ctrl. Once in, there are nested options that are context sensitive. Simply click on an option to open up the next level of the tree and make your selection.


The Quick Menu will display any invitations that you currently have:

  • Group invitations
  • Clan invitations
  • Friend invitations

Match Ready

When queued for Matchmaking and a match is ready, the Match Ready option will appear on your Quick Menu.


The matchmaking option will let you join in on Competitive Multiplayer maps, Co-op Maps and Shadow War. All the options you can find in on the Matchmaking screen are available through this menu option.

Shadow War Fast Travel

You are given an option to teleport directly to a Shadow War.




Find Player

This shortcut will open up a dialog, allowing you to search for a specific player and find out their current status.

Once found, you can also perform the following actions:

  • Add Friend (if not friend)
  • Remove Friend (if friend)
  • Join Friend (if friend)
  • Mute
  • Group Invite
  • Clan Invite
  • Inspect

Defiance Store

This shortcut will take you into the Defiance Store screen. From here, you can purchase Bits and use those Bits to purchase various items and boosts. Also the Defiance Store is where you can claim any inventory overflow items.


This option allows you to perform various actions, such as:

  • Inspect
  • Group Invite
  • Add Friend
  • Duel
  • Trade Invite
  • Private Chat
  • Mute


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Medic posted:

Another sanity check. Callouts and Emotes were removed from this menu correct? I remember seeing them and using them from here and then they were just gone.

Yes, they were removed. They still work with / commands (/dance, /cheer, etc) and you can see a full list of them if you type /help in the chat window.

10 years ago

Another sanity check. Callouts and Emotes were removed from this menu correct? I remember seeing them and using them from here and then they were just gone.

10 years ago