Chat Commands
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July 18, 2013 |
Etaew | Viewed 42,190 times |
Game Mechanics,
The following slash commands can be used by PC and console versions of the game.
Note: Console players can also use these chat commands by doing the following.
- Press Left on the Dpad of your controller.
- Select 'Full Chat Window'.
- Type in any necessary chat commands.
- /?, /h, /help - List out available slash commands
- /played - Provides amount of time played
- /time - Provides server as well as local time
- /area [Message] - Send text to the general channel
- /exit, /quit - Quits the game
- /logout - Logs out
- /inspect [Player] - Inspects the player
- /trade [Player] - Initiates trade with named player
- /dance - Performs the dance emote
- /cheer - Performs the cheer emote
- /taunt - Performs the taunt emote
- /greet - Performs the greet emote
- /report [Player] - Reports player as a spammer and mutes them
Group Commands
- /i, /inv, /invite [Player] - Invites player to your party/group
- /leavegroup, /leaveparty - Leave group
- /kick, /u, /un, /uninvite [Player] - Removes player from your group if you are the group leader
- /pr, /promote [Player] - Makes the player group leader if you are the current group leader
- /group [Message] - Send text to the group channel
- /team [Message] - Send text to the team channel
- /clan [Message] - Send text to the clan channel
- /send, /t, /tell, /w, /whisper [Player] [Message] - Send private message to [Player]. No other players will see this message
- /reply, /r [Message] - Reply to the last whisper
- /claninvite, /ginvite, /guildinvite - Invites the player to your clan
- /clanleader, /gleader, /guildleader [Player] - Makes player the clan leader if you are the current clan leader
- /clanquit, /clanleave, /gquit, /guildquit - Leaves your current clan
- /clanmotd, /gmotd, /guildmotd [Message] - Change the clan message of the day to [Message]. You must be an officer to use this command
- /clanpromote, /gpromote, /guildpromote [Player] - Promotes player or your current target
- /clandemote, /gdemote, /guilddemote [Player] - Demotes the player or your current target
- /clanremove, /gremove, /guildremove, /clankick [Player] - Removes the player from your current clan. You must be an officer to use this command
- /friend [Player] - Initiates friend request with player
- /removefriend [Player] - Removes player from your friends list
- /ignore, /mute [Player] - Ignores player
- /unignore, /unmute [Player] - Removes the player from your ignore list
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