Closed Beta Begins & PC Founder’s Packs Now Available on 4/27

April 27, 2018 | Etaew | Viewed 2,297 times | Blog,

Defiance 2050 Closed Beta – April 27 to 29

Defiance 2050 Closed Beta is back in action this weekend (4/27 – 4/29), and this time with Xbox One, PlayStation 4 (NA only), & PC! Become an Ark Hunter in this Closed Beta event starting Friday (4/27) at 10:00 AM Pacific and ending Monday (4/30) morning at 10:00 AM Pacific. Defiance 2050 is a free to play, massive co-op action shooter in a futuristic terraformed world filled with alien ark technology. In this Closed Beta, players will get a first look at the updated graphics, class skill system and weapon enhancements in Defiance 2050. Team up this weekend and fight through epic arkfall events, an exhilarating co-op instance, and compelling story missions as you explore the world of Defiance 2050.


Become a Founder – Demolish the New Frontier at Launch

Get a head start at launch and check out the variety of Defiance 2050 Founder’s Packs filled items including an amazing ATV, special titles, unique classes, slick outfits, and much more! PC Players now have the opportunity to unlock the Founder’s Packs, but keep in mind these items will be available when head start begins and not during closed beta. Have a blast with the new Demolitionist class and get an explosive 3-day head start before launch.

As we get closer to Defiance 2050’s launch this summer, the Founder’s Packs will be available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 as well. Defiance 2050 is a free to play online multiplayer game, and players will be able to unlock classes through purchase or gameplay. Check out our Store page for more details and see what’s in our Ultimate Founder’s Pack!


Ultimate Founder’s Pack:


Become a “Beta Blazer” in Beta
Unlock the special “Beta Blazer” title for participating in the Defiance 2050 Closed Beta and it will be granted in game when Defiance 2050 launches. In this closed beta, explore the Mt. Tam and Madera story mission zones and play the Liberate the Lost co-op instance to team up with your friends. During this closed beta test, in-game store purchases, achievements, trophies, and PvP will be disabled, but look forward to those features come launch time. Ark Hunters can reach up to power level 1500, character level 25, and class level 25. The end game content and post launch updates this summer will see the most new additions and changes, but those will not be accessible during this beta test.


Closed Beta Updates, Bugs, and Install Info

Special thanks to all the Ark Hunters who played in in the first PC Closed Beta! The Defiance 2050 team resolved several issues for this beta weekend with your help. If you played the previous closed beta, you are invited to play again this week and now Xbox One & PlayStation 4 players can join in the fun. You may encounter some bugs (more than just Hellbugs) in the closed beta test and we greatly appreciate your bug reports on the forums. Check the Defiance 2050 updated fixes & known bug list here and report new bugs here.

If you are running into an issue applying a beta code or installing the game, check out our Trion Worlds Support Center for assistance or check out the Closed Beta FAQ. Thanks for participating in our closed beta test and happy ark hunting!


-The Defiance 2050 Team

This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.


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Jesusis Charlis PS3-NA

will there more betas till defiance 2050 starts


7 years ago