Polished, stylish… fatal. The all-time favorite Skin Caches in Defiance 2050 to customize your weapons with a whole new look, available now with a 20% OFF discount!
Upon checking Defiance there’s one more deal available this week! Starting now save 20% on the limited Isotropic Decay Supply Crates. The U-238 manufactured weapons from these caches have 10% Armor Penetration and 10% increased nano proc chance!
These deals will only be available until 10:00 AM PST, February 9, so take advantage of them while you can!
This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.
Source: https://www.trionworlds.com/defiance/en/2020/02/03/skin-cache-isotropic-decay-supply-crate-sale/
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