February 13, 2015 | | Viewed 1,972 times | PTS, Alcatraz,
Further additions and fixes to Expeditions and Alcatraz.
Hi Everyone
As mentioned above, sorry for the lack of posts for me this week. Im out of the office and in Canada to visit family and don't really have good access.
I've updated PTS today with a build from earlier this week that contains fixes from the weekend and Monday/Tuesday, and it is currently being deployed right now (so PTS is locked). I will try to get another build out late sunday night when I get back to San Fran :).
As usual, please remember these patch notes are rough and certainly not final. They have not been verified and may not all make it to live - at this point they are PTS only.
PTS should be unlocked in 1 to 2 hours. I will try to post when it is, but may not be able to.
Thanks for all the people testing on here - its great to see so many posts!
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