Item Rarity

July 26, 2013 | | Viewed 103,466 times | Weapons,

There are 6 rarities of items in Defiance and are represented by different colours, the increasing rarity is often described as a numbered tier. For example a Legendary item would be considered Tier 5 (T5).

Higher item rarity generally indicate a better quality of item, but this vary from item to item and is explained in-detail below.

Trion have also written a post about weapon rarity.


Colour Title Tier
White Common 1
Green Uncommon 2
Blue Rare 3
Purple Epic 4
Orange Legendary 5
Yellow Supreme 6


The following types of items are available in the following rarities.

  • Weapons (all)
  • Shields (all)
  • Grenades (all)
  • Spikes (uncommon,rare only)
  • Stims (uncommon, rare only)
  • Mods (all)
  • Lock Boxes (uncommon, rare, epic and legendary only)

Rarity Bonuses

The higher the rarity of a weapon, shield or a grenade, the more bonus rolls it can potentially have. For example a rare weapon will have a common bonus roll, uncommon bonus roll and a rare bonus roll.

The possible bonuses for each roll are defined over on our Weapon Bonus Rolls section.

As well as extra bonus rolls, higher rarity items will have the following effects:

  • Weapons - increased damage
  • Shields - increased capacity, more armor plates
  • Grenades - increased damage
  • Spikes - increased effect
  • Stims - increased effect
  • Mods - increased bonus amount

Upgrading Rarity

A weapon or shield can be upgraded using Arkforge. With the arrival of Silicon Valley upgrading an items rarity will also lock it from further upgrades.


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MrStealYoGrl69 XBOX360-NA

Good info .!!!! thanks man...been wondering what everyone meant by t4 or t5 stuff..

7 years ago

Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin

Lux Energon posted:

For a newcomer to the game, as lots of users in game use the Tx shorthand (where x is a number), I think this page should have the following table:

Colour Title Tier
White Common 1
Green Uncommon 2
Blue Rare 3
Purple Epic 4
Orange Legendary 5
Yellow Supreme 6

So, for example T4 means purple/epic. Hope this helps others who like me, were a bit puzzled at first!

 Completely right, thanks for the suggestion.

8 years ago

Lux Energon PC-EU

For a newcomer to the game, as lots of users in game use the Tx shorthand (where x is a number), I think this page should have the following table:

Colour Title Tier
White Common 1
Green Uncommon 2
Blue Rare 3
Purple Epic 4
Orange Legendary 5
Yellow Supreme 6

So, for example T4 means purple/epic. Hope this helps others who like me, were a bit puzzled at first!

8 years ago