April 12, 2015 | | Viewed 14,833 times | Alcatraz,
There are two new inventory improvements coming out with Alcatraz.
Alcatraz brings a new feature: You can perform salvage matrix operations from within your inventory or loadout screen. Right-clicking or pressing right trigger in the inventory or loadout screen will bring up a menu that lets you perform all salvage matrix operations.
On favourited items you can:
Be careful: Removing and Retrieving mods will NOT redirect you to the Salvage Matrix. Once you confirm the pop-up window, the action will be performed.
On unfavourited items you can:
Currently, upgrading rating doesn't upgrade to your exact ego, this will be changed with Alcatraz. The new power level curve makes it important to have weapons on your ego since scaling doesn't come to a stop anymore.
Upgrading rating:
As you might have noticed, weapons and some shields now have icons in front of them. They show you if a weapon/shield has a backpack or mods synergy.
The pistol stands for mod synergies
The suitcase stands for backpack/loadout synergies or weapon and shield synergies
Shields with an icon next to them have a weapon and shield synergy. It is the same icon for backpack/loadout synergies.
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