Home ⇛ Databases ⇛ Shields
Shields can be equipped by players in their loadout. When damaged by an enemy it will deplete your shield first, once your shield is down you will begin to lose health. After the shield is down you have to wait for the Recharge Delay before the shield begins to recharge, then it will recharge by the amount shown per second.
Shield capacity increases as their EGO Rating increases.
There are different types of shields available, offering different shield strength, recharge delay and recharge rates.
Disclaimer: The ratings shown are a very brief outline, different shield bonuses can change the value of a shield, such as bonuses when a shield is down suddenly makes a shield with a low recharge rate desirable. Please use this page as an indication not an absolute list of best shields.
Name | Capacity | Recharge Rate | Recharge Delay |
7th Legion Sai
*** Good |
** Average
* Poor
7th Legion Youkai
* Poor |
*** Good
** Average
Chimera Claw
*** Good |
* Poor
** Average
EXL Brief Candle
** Average |
*** Good
*** Good
EXL Darkest Hour
*** Good |
* Poor
** Average
EXL Dire Reprieve
*** Good |
*** Good
* Poor
EXL Last Hope
*** Good |
*** Good
** Average
Guardian Angel
*** Good |
* Poor
** Average
** Average |
*** Good
** Average
*** Good |
* Poor
** Average
Omec Respark Energize V ARK
*** Good |
** Average
*** Good
** Average |
* Poor
*** Good
* Poor |
** Average
*** Good
*** Good |
** Average
* Poor
** Average |
*** Good
* Poor
Tachyon Pulsar
VBI Sentinel
* Poor |
** Average
** Average
Von Bach Industries Defense Screen
* Poor |
** Average
** Average
The higher rarity of a shield, the more bonuses can be found on it, such as stat bonuses, some decreases on recharge rates, chance of elemental resistance.
Rarity | Appended Name | Armor Plates |
Common | 0 | |
Uncommon | D | 1 |
Rare | DX | 2 |
Epic | EX | 2 |
Legendary | ARK | 3 |
Some shields can have bonuses attached to them, you can see it represented in the name of the item.
Name | Bonus | D | DX | EX | ARK |
Berserker |
+{0} Fire Rate on shield break |
--- |
5% |
10% |
15% |
Blastproof |
Take {0} less damage from your explosives |
10% |
20% |
30% |
40% |
Blockade |
Take {0} less damage from vehicles |
(5%) |
10% |
20% |
30% |
Booster |
+{0} to HP |
--- |
--- |
--- |
10% |
Brawler |
+{0} Melee Damage when shield is down |
--- |
(5%) |
10% |
20% |
Bullseye |
+{0} Crit Mult when shield is down |
--- |
--- |
5% |
10% |
Charger |
Take {0} less damage while recharging |
(2%) |
4% |
8% |
12% |
Contender |
+{0} Melee Damage after shield recharges |
5% |
10% |
15% |
20% |
Energizer |
+{0}% EGO recharge on shield break |
--- |
--- |
--- |
10% |
Focus |
Drastically reduces recoil and spread for 6 seconds after shield breaks |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Fortifier |
Take {0} less damage while standing still |
--- |
--- |
6% |
9% |
Grenadier |
{0} DMG on next grenade after a kill. Cooldown: 5 seconds. |
--- |
5% |
10% |
15% |
Guardian |
Take {0} less damage when shields are full |
--- |
--- |
--- |
5% |
Rearm |
Ammo regen when shield breaks. Cooldown: 5 seconds. |
--- |
--- |
1% |
2% |
Regenerator |
+{0} HP regeneration |
25% |
50% |
75% |
100% |
Reloader |
+{0} Reload when shield down |
5% |
10% |
15% |
20% |
Sentinel |
Take 3% less damage while standing still |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Surge |
+50% melee damage for 6 seconds after shield fully recharges |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Survivor |
+{0}% Self-Revive on shield break |
--- |
--- |
--- |
20% |
Zanzou |
10% chance to create a Decoy when shield breaks |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Some shields can be resistant to elemental damage, however this decreases the shield capacity.
By how much?
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I am just wanting to make sure I understand how the shields work. When your shield is down during the recharge delay period if you take damage does it restart the delay? I am just curious if the charger shield will have you take less damage the entire time your shield is down or only if it is actively charging. If it is only while charging it seems pretty useless as every time you get hit you stop charging.
10 years ago
Graywolfe posted:
Isn't the Rhino suppose to have a higher capacity than tachyon? They are both reloader II D with the rhino being a little higher ego but its like thier capacities are backwards. I am not complaining i love the tachyon I am just curious about it.
It should have but your Tachyon is a "special" shield since it's from a story mission or a faction vendor. I guess every Tachyon you'll pick up along the way now won't have a higher capcity than your Rhino.
10 years ago
Fuzzy posted:
Your Tachyon is a non-tradeable shield, so I guess it's a mission reward? Or from a vendor. I think mission rewards or faction items got a bonus to them (for shields, that would be capacity). The bonus seems quite high but other than your Tachony being non-tradeable, I can't see anything out of the ordinary.
Isn't the Rhino suppose to have a higher capacity than tachyon? They are both reloader II D with the rhino being a little higher ego but its like thier capacities are backwards. I am not complaining i love the tachyon I am just curious about it.
10 years ago
Graywolfe posted:
Ok not sure how to get a screen shot on here so i used the link to the forum post i made but could you tell me is it just me or is there something wrong with one of these shields.
Your Tachyon is a non-tradeable shield, so I guess it's a mission reward? Or from a vendor. I think mission rewards or faction items got a bonus to them (for shields, that would be capacity). The bonus seems quite high but other than your Tachony being non-tradeable, I can't see anything out of the ordinary.
10 years ago
Ok not sure how to get a screen shot on here so i used the link to the forum post i made but could you tell me is it just me or is there something wrong with one of these shields.
10 years ago
Do the numbers that show up behind the name sometimes mean anything? I just got a purple Huricane III D and it had terrible Capacity, way less than the blue Rebel III D i got at the same time. I also got a blue Rhino III that had less capacity than the lower EGO green Tachyon i had. Does the higher the number mean a worse model of shield?
10 years ago
Couple quick question on the chart above. Is the Hurricane shield suppose to have average for capacity or should it be poor? The VBI shields should their capacity be average not poor? I ask because i got a green Hurricane with a higher ego and it had less capacity than the white VBI shield.
10 years ago
After a (rather limited) personal study, I'm theorizing that there are only three "curves" of shield capacity increase with EGO progresion, each shared by a pair of shield types: Resparks and Hurricanes have the lowest one, Rebels and Tachyons have the middle capacity, and Ironclads and Rhinos have the most. Also, it seems that at low EGO (<1000) the capacity increase asociated to rarity aproaches 2%.
11 years ago
Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin
Yeah this page isn't hooked up to the moderator system so you can't edit it, and some values in () I expect are correct, and some I expect aren't. I confirmed a handful the other day, it's tricky to know what is and what isn't :p
11 years ago
Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin
Updated with a shield capacity calculator for Respark and Hurricane shields thanks to the formula from KodiakDuck on our reddit thread.
12 years ago
Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin
My WIP collection document for Respark shields shows a progression of values, need more data especially sub 1k ego. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvD9KUp9DqxadGw0a2NDYTgxZTFOV3o3dnVVYy05UUE#gid=0.
12 years ago
so far as best i can understand shields also have bonuses on them like weapons do only they are hidden so we can only guess to what the scope of there effects are , the reason for this conclusion is i had 2 shields of the same type and rarity with different ego ratings but the lower of the 2 ego rating shields had a slightly higher capacity (there was onyl about 20 ego rating differance) , also ive got 2 respark shields , one is a
respark III (blue) 2141 rating
and the other is a
respark reloader III D (purple) 2594 rating
the blue one which is inferior to the epic in all ways has a faster recharge delay by 5% of its base value than the epic
so im guessing the following bonuses can be found on shields just we cant see them
not sure if its coincidence or not but all my D shields have resistances
12 years ago
Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin
Looking at item trade forums I saw an item with Guardian X with 6%, that might be a new tier, not sure yet, will need more.
12 years ago
Etaew PC-EU - Site Admin
My new task for today, compiling a list of the bonuses for each of the shields.
For example a shield with the name Hurricane Blastproof III DX, will use the bonus Blastproof DX.
Let me know any bonus types I have missed, and if you can fill in any of the gaps. ( ) are guessed values.
12 years ago
Fuzzy posted:
It should have but your Tachyon is a "special" shield since it's from a story mission or a faction vendor. I guess every Tachyon you'll pick up along the way now won't have a higher capcity than your Rhino.