Special Delivery Synergy (Weapons and Shield)

Special Delivery Lock Box / Store (January 2015)

Only found on weapons in Special Delivery Lock Boxes


  • [2]: 15% ammo pool regen to all friendlies within 10m on crit killl (Cooldown: 10s)
  • [3]: Chance on hit to summon exploding barrel (Cooldown: 10s)
Mentioned on Forums
25 most recent threads that mention "Special Delivery"
Thread Author Created
Help me out Knifeghost 7 years ago
Need Special Delivery synergy shield any color Nightmare Walkin 10 years ago
Impressions about synergy of Special Delivery, Going Postal and Overnight Express... deety 10 years ago
Special Delivery synergies Voelfgar 10 years ago
Selling Frc sluge RL Demios the 1st 10 years ago
"special delivery" box corrupted Eleni 10 years ago
Special delivery box drops Eleni 10 years ago
Special delivery should... Markeen 10 years ago

Dev Tracker

25 most recent dev posts that mention "Special Delivery"

Fuzzy: The Defiance Store is now active on PTS

10 years ago (January 15, 2015, 9:57 am)

From the sounds of the description of the Special Delivery Lockbox:

it will be a jackpot weapon. I haven't gotten it (yet), so I can't say anything about rolls/synergy. It will be only in the...

Fuzzy: ASP courrier

10 years ago (January 15, 2015, 6:01 pm)

Do you talk about the video of the "Special Delivery"-synergy? Maybe your browser is blocking something.
Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAceUBUSIhc

Dixie Cougar: Special delivery should...

10 years ago (January 16, 2015, 8:05 pm)

They could let it serve as a scrip sink, charge 200k for each box or something. I say 200k because I doubt the corp espionage is sinking much scrip at 1 mil, even with the rampant inflation that's...

Nefarious: Special delivery should...

10 years ago (January 15, 2015, 8:27 pm)

What does it mean by .."Chance on hit to summon explosive barrel." ???

Like, a explosive barrel just appears somewhere in front of you? Drops down from out of the sky? Wut?

Dixie Cougar: Special delivery should...

10 years ago (January 15, 2015, 8:31 pm)

Does this do friendly fire? That would be terrible and awesome at the same time.

Fuzzy: Special delivery should...

10 years ago (January 15, 2015, 8:32 pm)

Posted that video yesterday, Nef:



I haven't tried! :D Maybe I should.. Next stop, PTS! lol

Nefarious: Special delivery should...

10 years ago (January 15, 2015, 10:37 pm)

That's actually pretty funny.

Rashere: Special delivery should...

10 years ago (January 16, 2015, 1:55 am)

The core weapon list is the same as the Elite lock box. This is the list of guns that were removed from that. Which of these did you get?

Weapons Removed from T4


Atticus Batman: Bounty on APS Courier

10 years ago (January 17, 2015, 6:03 am)

It is not exactly the new jackpot item. You may want to look again. It is a jackpot item exclusive to the new Special Delivery Lockbox. Most bit boxes have their own exclusive jackpot weapon.


PhantasieTrion: Special delivery should...

10 years ago (January 16, 2015, 8:03 pm)

Hi Skape

This is expected!

On PTS we did a manual grant of 10k bits (so people could try right away).
We also give everyone 10k bits in your monthly stipend.
The day of the month that the...

Rashere: Special delivery should...

10 years ago (January 16, 2015, 9:23 pm)

Definitely considered, but its a tricky balance because there's a wide range of tastes out there. As they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure. Every time we do a crate with limited...

Dixie Cougar: Special delivery should...

10 years ago (January 16, 2015, 8:30 pm)

Perhaps there could be a "pvp edition" crate where guns like derailers, breaker cannons, surge bolters, etc. can go for people who enjoy these weapons in pvp.

Or here's a crazy idea, define...

Rashere: "special delivery" box corrupted

10 years ago (January 21, 2015, 12:02 am)

The good/bad news: we've got a reliable repro for this now. Working on a fix.


Rashere: "special delivery" box corrupted

10 years ago (January 21, 2015, 12:02 am)

Support isn't able to encrypt items. We'll be doing a mass fix for this in the near future so your gun will pick up the encryption then.


Rashere: "special delivery" box corrupted

10 years ago (January 21, 2015, 2:32 am)

Has nothing to do with the drops in the box.


Fuzzy: Special Delivery synergies

10 years ago (February 1, 2015, 11:41 am)

Here are they:
Going Postal
Overnight Express
Special Delivery

To activate them, you need 2 weapons and a shield with the same synergy in the same loadout.

Rarnok: Loyalty Vendor

8 years ago (July 19, 2016, 3:09 am)

The Corporate Espionage, Special Delivery, and Devil's Carnival boxes will be added to the vendor at the same time as the APS Courier and Abaddon's Touch.


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