Guard Armament Synergy (Weapons and Shield)

Armistice / Event (March 2017)



Available during the following holidays

Armistice (2017)

March 6, 2017 to April 3, 2017

Mentioned on Forums
25 most recent threads that mention "Guard Armament"

Dev Tracker

25 most recent dev posts that mention "Guard Armament"

Fasti: Armistice Hotfix #1 - March 8, 2017

8 years ago (March 8, 2017, 7:06 pm)

Patch Notes

Fixed an issue causing the reload stat on Guard Armament to not work

Rarnok: Guard armament and apocalpse bug

8 years ago (March 14, 2017, 12:01 am)

Thanks for the reports. We have a fix currently being tested for the Apocalypse duds and are in the process of investigating the Guard Armament issue.


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