Plays as:
Character Profile of Belle Starr
AGE, RACE, & GENDER - 20 Earth Years, Human Caucasian, Female.
PROFESSION - VBI Associate, Legendary Ark Hunter, OZZ Squad Warriors Clan Leader, Self-proclaimed Super Hero, and War Master Groupie ("Among many other titles, although I'm not sure what some of the alien ones mean, or even if they are very nice." *pout*)
FAVORITE EGO Power - Cloak ("I like to get in, do the job, and get out before the bad guys even know I'm there" *giggle*)
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION - Nordic pale skin on a statuesque six-foot frame, with shoulder length honey blond hair and baby-blue eyes ("Admit it! I'm beautiful!" *snicker*)
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS - Freckles over nose and cheeks, five small star tattoos to the right of the right eye, larger star tattoo on the left side of the abdomen, Children of Gallifrey tattooed on right buttocks ("Don't ask. Just please, don't ever ask.")
MENTAL DESCRIPTION - Strong ethical belief in honor and loyalty, stubbornly seeing everything as right or wrong, she has an outgoing personality accompanied with a - to her - witty banter, that masks a deep seated insecurity and a fear of abandonment ("Say what - ! *slack jawed*)
Oh, you meant the WRITER! Nothing to see here! Move along! - ANON.
Stratotech Defiance 2050 [Source]
3PL9 WDFG DKPR 9LE7 P7Y7 [Redeem]