HomeDatabasesVendorsAlcatraz (Paradise Territory Vendor)

Alcatraz (Paradise Territory Vendor)

This vendor is of type Paradise Territory Vendor and is found at Alcatraz in Alcatraz.



This vendor sells 47 items.

This vendor shares the same store list as x

Item Description Price

Komodo Mk I

High caliber pistol focused on precision targeting

Perforator Mk I

Fully automatic standard military assault weapon


Uses a flat fan like spread of pellets to aid targeting and hitting multiple opponents

Snapdragon Mk II

Manual action sniper rifle. User must cycle the weapon between shots by hand.

Boomslang Mk I

This weapon is especially effective when going into aim mode to fire

Northrup Mk I

High rate of fire weapons advanced technology increases accuracy with sustained fire


Focus on a tighter pellet spread for longer range effectiveness

Mamba Mk I

Capable of rapid fire while target is maintained in the scope

Critical Force Barrel V

Attachable to Pistols.

Ionic Barrel V

Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs.

Maximum Force Barrel V

Attachable to Pistols.

Persistent Thruster V

Attachable to Pistols.

Power Bore V

Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs.

Power Choke V

Attachable to Shotguns.

Power Retention Choke V

Attachable to Shotguns.

Sustained Power Muzzle V

Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs.

Tachyon Laced Extender V

Attachable to Manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles.

Ultra-Bore Extension V

Attachable to Manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles.

Expanded Magazine V

Attachable to Pistols.

Extended Sniper Mag V

Attachable to Manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles.

Fast Action Reloader V

Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs.

High Capacity Magazine V

Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs.

Rapid Reloader V

Attachable to Pistols.

Rapid Shot Pod V

Attachable to Shotguns.

Shot Pod V

Attachable to Combat Shotguns and Pump Shotguns.

Sniper Rapid Mag V

Attachable to manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles.

Advanced Scope V

Sight which provides greater accuracy without obscuring vision. Attachable to Pistols.

Assault Scope V

Scope which provides zoom without obscuring the field of view. Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs and LMGs.

Commando Scope V

Mid power scope attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs and LMGs.

Marksman Scope V

Attachable to Manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles. Does not change the base scope on the Rifle.

Mobile Adjustment Scope V

Sight which provides greater accuracy without obscuring vision. Attachable to Pistols.

Precision Scope V

Scope with high level zoom. Attachable to Pistols.

Scatter Scope V

Attachable to Shotguns.

Sharpshooter Scope V

Scope that provides a lower level of zoom than the base scope on sniper rifles. Attachable to Manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles.

Shotgun Hip Spread V

Attachable to Shotguns.

Stabilization Sight V

Sight attachment which provides stability without adding a scope. Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs and LMGs.

Tactical Scope V

High power scope attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs and LMGs.

Ultimate Scope V

Scope with mid level zoom. Attachable to Pistols.

Close Quarters Buttstock V

Attachable to Shotguns.

Close Quarters Stock V

Attachable to Pistols.

External Recoil Reduction V

Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs.

Guerrilla Buttstock V

Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs.

Recoil Buttstock V

Attachable to Shotguns.

Recoil Dampener V

Attachable to Pistols.

Sniper Recoil Stock V

Attachable to Manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles.

Full Synergy Mod Hoard

Full set of mods for a single weapon with matching synergies

Weapon Kit

Provides a complete kit for a single weapon. Contains 1 weapon and set of mods for that weapon.


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