Home ⇛ Databases ⇛ Vendors ⇛ Alcatraz (Paradise Territory Vendor)
This vendor is of type Paradise Territory Vendor and is found at Alcatraz in Alcatraz.
This vendor sells 47 items.
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Item | Description | Price | |
High caliber pistol focused on precision targeting |
Fully automatic standard military assault weapon |
Uses a flat fan like spread of pellets to aid targeting and hitting multiple opponents |
Manual action sniper rifle. User must cycle the weapon between shots by hand. |
This weapon is especially effective when going into aim mode to fire |
High rate of fire weapons advanced technology increases accuracy with sustained fire |
Focus on a tighter pellet spread for longer range effectiveness |
Capable of rapid fire while target is maintained in the scope |
Attachable to Pistols. |
Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs. |
Attachable to Pistols. |
Attachable to Pistols. |
Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs. |
Attachable to Shotguns. |
Attachable to Shotguns. |
Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs. |
Attachable to Manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles. |
Attachable to Manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles. |
Attachable to Pistols. |
Attachable to Manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles. |
Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs. |
Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs. |
Attachable to Pistols. |
Attachable to Shotguns. |
Attachable to Combat Shotguns and Pump Shotguns. |
Attachable to manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles. |
Sight which provides greater accuracy without obscuring vision. Attachable to Pistols. |
Scope which provides zoom without obscuring the field of view. Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs and LMGs. |
Mid power scope attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs and LMGs. |
Attachable to Manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles. Does not change the base scope on the Rifle. |
Sight which provides greater accuracy without obscuring vision. Attachable to Pistols. |
Scope with high level zoom. Attachable to Pistols. |
Attachable to Shotguns. |
Scope that provides a lower level of zoom than the base scope on sniper rifles. Attachable to Manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles. |
Attachable to Shotguns. |
Sight attachment which provides stability without adding a scope. Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs and LMGs. |
High power scope attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs and LMGs. |
Scope with mid level zoom. Attachable to Pistols. |
Attachable to Shotguns. |
Attachable to Pistols. |
Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs. |
Attachable to Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs. |
Attachable to Shotguns. |
Attachable to Pistols. |
Attachable to Manual and Semi Auto Sniper Rifles. |
Full set of mods for a single weapon with matching synergies |
Provides a complete kit for a single weapon. Contains 1 weapon and set of mods for that weapon. |
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