Home ⇛ Databases ⇛ Vendors ⇛ Alcatraz (Tarr Family Vendor)
This vendor is of type Tarr Family Vendor and is found at Alcatraz in Alcatraz.
This vendor sells 12 items.
This vendor shares the same store list as x
Item | Description | Price | |
Fastest roller on the roads of the New Frontier, strong levels of speed and speed when boosting |
Fastest roller on the roads of the New Frontier, strong levels of speed and speed when boosting |
A title viewable by other players that displays by your name |
A title viewable by other players that displays by your name |
A title viewable by other players that displays by your name |
Contains 4 random mods for the Scavenger Synergy. |
Contains rare or better version of weapons manufactured by Soleptor Enterprises. |
Contains 4 random mods for the Prepared Synergy. |
Contains rare or better versions of weapons manufactured by Top-Notch Toolworks. |
Contains 4 random mods for the EGO Precision Synergy. |
Contains rare or better versions of weapons manufactured by Von Bach Industries. |
Bribe a Tarr Family representative.Gain 100 reputation. Small chance to receive a random Personal+ Boost. |
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Stratotech Defiance 2050 [Source]
3PL9 WDFG DKPR 9LE7 P7Y7 [Redeem]