Blood of Heroes

Blood of Heroes is an emergency, it is a random encounter that can spawn in clearings off the road . Enemies will be made up of Mutants.


  • Assist the E-Rep Soldiers
  • Revive the Injured
  • Defend the camp
  • Ignite Lights of the Fallen

This emergency is no longer available, it may have been part of episodic content.


Stage 1:

Mutant Cleaver, Mutant Shotgunner, 2 Mutant Rifleman, Elite Mutant Shotgunner

Stage 3:

Elite Mutant Shotgunner, 2 Elite Mutant Cleaver, Mutant Cleaver, Mutant Rifleman


2 Mutant Minigunner, 1 Mutant Grenadier


indicates places where this emergency has been spotted and are clickable.

Mount Tam



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