Home ⇛ Databases ⇛ Vendors ⇛ Coit Tower (Defiant Few Vendor)
This vendor is of type Defiant Few Vendor and is found at Coit Tower in San Francisco.
This vendor sells 18 items.
This vendor shares the same store list as x
Item | Description | Price | |
Cosmetic item for head |
Cosmetic item for body |
A roller with a reputation as solid as it's performance. Strong levels of speed and excellent speed when boosting |
A roller with a reputation as solid as it's performance. Strong levels of speed and excellent speed when boosting |
A roller with a reputation as solid as it's performance. Strong levels of speed and excellent speed when boosting |
A roller with a reputation as solid as it's performance. Strong levels of speed and excellent speed when boosting |
A roller with a reputation as solid as it's performance. Strong levels of speed and excellent speed when boosting |
A roller with a reputation as solid as it's performance. Strong levels of speed and excellent speed when boosting |
A roller with a reputation as solid as it's performance. Strong levels of speed and excellent speed when boosting |
Contains one Bloodhound of uncommon rarity or better. |
Contains one Bloodhound of epic rarity or better. |
Contains one Crimefighter of uncommon rarity or better. |
Contains one Crimefighter of epic rarity or better. |
Contains one Gang Buster of uncommon rarity or better. |
Contains one Gang Buster of epic rarity or better. |
A title viewable by other players that displays by your name |
Cosmetic item for body |
Cosmetic item for head |
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Stratotech Defiance 2050 [Source]
3PL9 WDFG DKPR 9LE7 P7Y7 [Redeem]